Saturday, May 23, 2009

In a sport dominated by the big players, Wolfsburg was able to rise from the shadows to take the Bundesleague in style.

At last, the wolf has won.

It has been a fairy tale year for Wolsburg.

The Wolfsburg didn't win purely with heart, stealing away games in close matches. They blew away the competition.

They lost only two games in the second half of the season. It's owners, Volkswagen, would be proud of the precision and resolution in their attack that became known as "The Machine"

They had the greatest attack in Bundesleague history with Grafite and Dzenko up front becoming only the second duo in history to have two players with 20+ goals.

As the game ended the very kids in attendance tore down the fence and the players and fans celebrated together.

Unfortunately the joy won't last for long. The team is unlikely to repeat its miracle as the true power behind soccer, money, goes into play. The GM is already been taken away and its top players are sure to sign bigger contracts with bigger teams within the next year.

For now we can celebrate with the Wolfs and hope their win inspires teams throughout the world to help promote some equity and uncertainty within the soccer world.

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